Closing party weather


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What does the weather tend to be like around this time? I know my mum was fortunate enough to experience a sunny October in Ibiza a few years back but what are the chances?
last september was predominantly a disaster -
not for the island, but for the tourists (much more rain than usual),
but the last september days plus first half of october were perfect.
"normally" it´s rather the other way round ...
The third week of Sept. last year was quite rainy.

My previous trips later in Sept. were likewise spotty. 50-50 is a good estimation of how many sunny vs rainy/cloudy days you'll get.
Does anyone know what the weather is usually like the last week of Aug, First week of September?
We're going 29th Aug till 8th Sept this year, hope the weathers ok.

Last year we went 9th Aug - 19th and the weather was spot on, 1 overcast day if I remember correctly.
