Circo Loco events

Johnny Vodka

Well-Known Member
These any good? I realise it's a name people associate with DC10, but I've never been.

There's one at Glasgow Arches in May - worth going? Am I right in assuming the music is minimal/house?
Never been to any outside Ibiza, but judging what friends that have been say, go go go!!!
Be sure to get your tickets early though - sells out very fast

Just noticed BURNS is playing the next Death Disco - really want to see him!
What's the deal with Circo Loco and arpiar? I really used to enjoy their sets, was the perfect counter to the rest of the Circo Loco package, to mix things up etc. Would love it if they featured at the opening...
They used to play minimal and it really went well with the eerieness that DC10 used to have, throw some wonkey in and your sorted.. last time I went there it was all house totally different vibe but still great
It's house. Underground, deep, dark, glorious house.
Best overall music policy of any night I went to last season.
Those DJs on the bill are residents. I'd definitely go if they were in town!

I wouldn't really say the house is deep and dark in Circoloco more bouncy kind of old school sounds .. from my experience anyway
I did a circo loco day time party after a night at space. I enjoyed it so much lost track of time and people I went to Space with the night before started showing up again. they have a great set.
I don't see why it has to be one or the other. I've heard Pelino in an interview absolutely hating on minimal but I think there's definitely a place for it in the main room as an alternative for when it gets perhaps a bit too slow / happy / slightly cheesy in the terrace..
i'd probs define it as somewhere between nouveau-reverse-tech and g-funk retro disco underground deep house with 2 somersaults and a half pike.