Christmas shopping thread

My family has an Xmas list tradition, making shopping easy.

I will just order everything from Amazon, mail it to myself at the parent's address, and gift wrap it when I arrive in the States.
I think if there are kids around there's stuff to enjoy. Otherwise, from the 1st baubel going up the thing I most look forward to is it all being cleared away - from offices and shops in particular. My least favourite part of the year - haven't been able to face going in to a garden centre since it all started up. It's so truly hideous. I say everyone agree no presents this year that can't be made from what you can find for free :lol: !

The commercialism which blights every day British life the rest of the year is positively sickening come Christmas time and the blatant exploitation of the public through moral pressure to buy and spend deplorable. And still people do it year in year out - half our high streets would fold otherwise. It's a daily symbol of (almost) everything that is wrong about the capitalist world :evil:. The suicide rate as we head to and through Xmas and New Year speaks volumes :cry:.

In office and professional circles, the endless office parties and drinks receptions from the end of the 1st week in December through to Christmas itself ensures the white collar bregade are totally spent and partied out before they have to face Christmas with the family and drag out what's left of themselves for their nearest and dearest. Hmmm. :(

One of the things I remember clearly about living in the 3rd world was that Christmas was an understated but sincere affair, shops put a bit of extra seasonal stuff out the week before (often things were made instead) and a couple of days after the 'event' everyone moved on. I liked it much better that way. 8).

Sorry to be a grinch about it but really dislike the hype and the exploitation.. Won't be cooking turkey - a nice oven-roasted sea bass or something like that would be far more the ticket :). Merry Christmas ! :lol:
I'm taking the missus skiing for Xmas - that's the only real purchase I intend to make. By 5pm Xmas day I will have done eight hours skiing and will be sat in a hot tub on a mountain side.

For work, I'll be buying a bottle of booze of their choice for each of the lads and the same for all our clients staff.

Not many ideas there Rob, unless you want take the other half up the Alps?
christmas is cancelled in my house!! no job currently + wedding next year!!

i will still be getting the kids in my extended family some stuff and my parents and of course the missus, but everyone else has been told they are getting nothing!

still love this time of year though, kimajy you need to cheer up and have some mulled wine!!

buckers - jealous of the plans!!
i thought u didnt partake in religious nonsense. :lol:

I'm deeply religious about the walk of shame from drunken office party shenanigans, getting/giving presents, eating obscene amounts of food, decorating the flat with TAT and falling asleep in front of Mary Poppins (possibly in 3d this year) with the family.
Ideas please.

Here's my contribution -

I always liked this one...

I know a great little stocking filler thats sub £10 (even less with your friends discount!!!)

This will then provide me with some pennies to then buy pressies x

Plus a kickstart to UKplc so you can feel you've done your bit for UK manufacturing :D
christmas is cancelled in my house!! no job currently + wedding next year!!

i will still be getting the kids in my extended family some stuff and my parents and of course the missus, but everyone else has been told they are getting nothing!

still love this time of year though, kimajy you need to cheer up and have some mulled wine!!

buckers - jealous of the plans!!

Best suggestion I've heard in a while :D !

The skiing is a great idea isn't it ? When are you too old to start skiing ? Can't take another broken leg in the family right now tho' - the repercussions are well beyond the pail all round !!!