child maltreatment


Active Member
The news from Jersey about the child abuse and mass graves that was found, lets me know that monsters are not just made up things from movies. The bastards that did these deeds should have the things done to them along with anyone who help cover it up.:evil::evil::evil:
I read about this in The Sun today then on a separate note they had big debates from various people about why/why not the death sentence should/shouldnt come back.
IMO 6 sites are massive 1 child is 1 too many and the search continues. People take care of children should be held to higher standard than say your bin man.
why can't you form an opinion?

Because I thought I agreed with the fact of people should face the death penalty for committing such awful crimes.

But when I read the "no" comments, I did agree also with the fact of killing them/death penalty is the easy way out. The murderers should be made to suffer.

But then again on the other hand, prisons are not as "tough" as we think (so reports in the newspapers say, Playstations, treated like normal people etc etc)
Death penalty is the easy way out.

They should be locked up in a cell with nothing in it including light and a toilet. No books, play stations, radio, tv etc. They should be given the bare minimum food to live on and if they refuse to eat it then at least they will starve to death slowly.

They should be made to endure every moment with nothing but their actions and their twisted mind for company and how they are going to rot in that cell sitting in their sh1t and piss until their last dying breath.
Yes I agree, but if prisons are too cushty then they are not really rotting in hell so to speak are they.
Because I thought I agreed with the fact of people should face the death penalty for committing such awful crimes.

But when I read the "no" comments, I did agree also with the fact of killing them/death penalty is the easy way out. The murderers should be made to suffer.

But then again on the other hand, prisons are not as "tough" as we think (so reports in the newspapers say, Playstations, treated like normal people etc etc)

oh right, i thought you meant you couldn't form an opinion on the case.

arguments like an eye for an eye are futile, for this can never be realised on a similar basis.

the death penalty has no dissuasive effect and discriminates against poor and miniority ethinc groups. it is well known that proportionately, more black people face the death penalty/are executed than any others.

but the bottom line is that the death penalty is the cold blooded, calculated, premeditated destruction of life carried out by states who by implication condone violence.

violence begets violence.
oh right, i thought you meant you couldn't form an opinion on the case.

arguments like an eye for an eye are futile, for this can never be realised on a similar basis.

the death penalty has no dissuasive effect and discriminates against poor and miniority ethinc groups. it is well known that proportionately, more black people face the death penalty/are executed than any others.

but the bottom line is that the death penalty is the cold blooded, calculated, premeditated destruction of life carried out by states who by implication condone violence.

violence begets violence.

I just find it hard to decide what I think is the best solution. Obviously these people need to suffer but how goes about it?

I really cant see the death penalty coming back though.
I said that with consideration to the other points, you say, they SHOULD be locked up in a cell with a single light and a toiley, that is not the case because we have "human" rights for these people. You say, more black people get killed than other ethnic groups, thats irrelevant, an entirely different problem. Hamir Boazza or whatever his name is, Hook, still controlling loads from inside, gang lords inside, still controlling loads and having good lifes in cushy prisons. Overcrowded prison systems just full of people who are no good for anything and will never give anything positive society, what is the point of their existance ?
I said that with consideration to the other points, you say, they SHOULD be locked up in a cell with a single light and a toiley, that is not the case because we have "human" rights for these people. You say, more black people get killed than other ethnic groups, thats irrelevant, an entirely different problem. Hamir Boazza or whatever his name is, Hook, still controlling loads from inside, gang lords inside, still controlling loads and having good lifes in cushy prisons. Overcrowded prison systems just full of people who are no good for anything and will never give anything positive society, what is the point of their existance ?

I give you Timothy Evans. Or Stefan Kiszko.
did anyone watch Louis Theroux Behind Bars. It actually made prison seem not that bad it had such a fascinating insight to the prisoners lives.
did anyone watch Louis Theroux Behind Bars. It actually made prison seem not that bad it had such a fascinating insight to the prisoners lives.

Yeah I did. They were all outside playing outdoor games and some were even in relationships together.
I said that with consideration to the other points, you say, they SHOULD be locked up in a cell with a single light and a toiley, that is not the case because we have "human" rights for these people. You say, more black people get killed than other ethnic groups, thats irrelevant, an entirely different problem. Hamir Boazza or whatever his name is, Hook, still controlling loads from inside, gang lords inside, still controlling loads and having good lifes in cushy prisons. Overcrowded prison systems just full of people who are no good for anything and will never give anything positive society, what is the point of their existance ?

I know they have human rights but again that is another argument. Why are they given any rights? What happened to the victims rights?

As for old Captain Hook don't get me started on that clown! The same for his 'hardmen' who cover their faces up standing next to him in the streets(before he was half inched). If so hard show your face then or is that because you can't and you are either got a decent job from this country or like Dr Hook you are claiming benefits from this terrible country you live in??? Told you not to get me started.