check this snake out


Active Member

it's a fake!!

thats a snake that kills by constricting it's prey, these snakes do no have teeth/fangs, they crush prey to death and then swallow whole.

you've been had ;)
Do Anacondas Bite?

Just about every species of snake on earth has teeth, but the anacondas' teeth are not used for chewing. Snakes' teeth are used for holding onto their prey, preventing them from escaping. Some snakes have venom in two specially designed, extra long teeth (called fangs) which they use to kill their prey. Anacondas have teeth, but they are not a venomous snake. They rely on their enormous size and power to subdue their victims. It is possible to be bitten by an anaconda, but the bite itself would not be fatal - unless you weren't able to escape it!
jjinit said:
it's a fake!!

thats a snake that kills by constricting it's prey, these snakes do no have teeth/fangs, they crush prey to death and then swallow whole.

you've been had ;)

That's wrong, they do have teeth and very strong ones, only that their teeth don't innoculate any kind of poison, they are for grabbing their prey. If that snake (called sucuri in Brazil) grabs your arm, it can rip it...
DUDE have you people never watched friggin' Animal Planet or Discovery Channel before??? There are SEVERAL species of snakes that have massive fangs and venom poisonous enough to kill a large mammal.... like several species of cobra and the diamond back rattlesnake pictured here (almost stepped on one once sunbathing on a hiking path)
