Cheapest in San An??


New Member
I know this has probably been asked a millon times but here goes!

Whats the cheapest apartment/hostel i book over the net in San Antonio ?

Im going over on the 7th of June and i already have my own flights.

cheers in advance :D
You are leaving it a bit late to book a hotel to be honest, ibiza fills up faster than you can imagine. Some hotels for this year had rooms booked as far back as 2003!

You can go to the hotels section on the main site, or try who can do fairly good deals.
Cheers mate.

I actually just booked one from the site you mentioned.

I booked a week at the Adelino in San Antonio for £90.
Looks not bad clean and pretty cheap.
We are staying just round the corner in the florencio, although another regular on here, Anna, is staying at the adelino during the same week as us. When you get back, make sure you write a review and let her know how the place was! ;)
andi said:
We are staying just round the corner in the florencio, although another regular on here, Anna, is staying at the adelino during the same week as us. When you get back, make sure you write a review and let her know how the place was! ;)

The Florencio was right next to our hotel we stayed in last year hun
andi said:
We are staying just round the corner in the florencio, although another regular on here, Anna, is staying at the adelino during the same week as us. When you get back, make sure you write a review and let her know how the place was! ;)

im planning on working for the summer and just booked the hotel as a base for the first week just to get my bearings.