Cheap one-way mid-week flights from Ibiza to Scotland

Getting flights to Scotland at a reasonable price is a nightmare. Last year it was a lot cheaper for me to get a flight to Doncaster then a train to Edinburgh. Fortunately Doncaster is on the main east coast route so there are plenty of trains.

You could try giving the Foreign Office a buzz on 971 30 86 20. They're pretty good at finding flights and often seem to be cheaper than the internet.

Good luck
poor dyte :(

cant he get out of work some other way? work a saturday, see if they'll accomodate him that way?
It's bizzare, getting a flight from Edinburgh to Ibiza on 26/09 is £66.70 but getting a flight from Ibiza to Edinburgh on the same date is €819.69!? 8O

Why? :x