Channel 4 Vacation, vacation, vacation

Trailer: I think Phil has it right,kirstie is completely wrong about Puff and the effect on prices!
I've never met anyone on the island who has been impressed by the fact that Puff visits either...
I wonder what Kirstie makes of Camping Cala Nova,hope she goes in the shop.
what a let down

I had been looking forward to this program since I knew about it and what a disappointment it was ,it was the worst program I have ever seen about Ibiza , no info about really anything and the filming crap no showing of the nice scenery or the great beaches , Channel 4 filmed on a low budget I thinks
There is a newer thread now,in clubbing open chat.
Mostly random the moment 3 pages of it !!
kirstie sour bake,phil the party animal!

what a load of balls this programme was.

good man phil,and kirstie why dont you feck off to some snobby holiday that suits your little posh girl attitude, the horse had a bigger smile than you!!! sour woman sour face.

live life love life

i love ibiza:twisted:
i'm not sure a bald old coot like phil recommending a place is good for it.

ditto his girlfriend's opinion

oops, forgot to mention that my pal cap'n len was driving the launch
oops, forgot to mention that my pal cap'n len was driving the launch

Ok im not a nautical person so excuse my ignorance when I ask if the launch was the rubber dingy thing or the big f*ck off monster powerboat??
Ok im not a nautical person so excuse my ignorance when I ask if the launch was the rubber dingy thing or the big f*ck off monster powerboat??
the big fook off monster being........sour bake kirstie?????:)
Ok im not a nautical person so excuse my ignorance when I ask if the launch was the rubber dingy thing or the big f*ck off monster powerboat??
Being a bit of an old salt, I can confirm that the launch is the big un.
I was thinking about shaving my hair off because "a bald old coot like phil"seems to be quite liked here at the moment....or should I keep it like kirstie's and put up with the abuse? hmmm...
the big fook off monster being........sour bake kirstie?????:)

Being a bit of an old salt, I can confirm that the launch is the big un.

Thanks guys. I googled it to find the below definition;

"A launch in contemporary usage refers to a large motorboat. [1]
The name originally referred to the largest boat carried by a warship. The etymology of the word is given as Portuguese lancha "barge", from Malay lancha, lancharan, "boat," from lanchar "velocity without effort," "action of gliding smoothly" (said primarily of boats and turtles)."