Chances of a ticket swap?


Active Member

I currently have a Sankeys Opening Two Day Combo Ticket.

However I am looking to cancel the second part of this ticket so I can only attend the Tribal Sessions part 1 party.

I then want to buy a Mindshake/IMS afterparty ticket....

So is there any way I can have my combo ticket cancelled (but not completely) still have a valid Part 1 Tribal Sessions ticket and then get a Mindshake/IMS after party ticket WITHOUT having to cancel the combo ticket, then buy another 2 tickets all over again?

Fairly sure the price is the same so there would be no loss of/extra money needed. If extra money is needed i'd happily pay the difference if it meant less mucking about
please e-mail us to clubbing at ibiza-spotlight dot com with this enquiry and the ticket number and we'll try to sort it.