CD's! How.......?


New Member
hey guys i need advise please...... :oops:

what's the best way to get my mixing burnt onto cd?? :?: :?: :?:

whats the best software to use on my pc? there is so much out there!! :evil:

is it better to record to minidisc first or just straight into my laptop (sony viao)??

any advise is very very very welcome!!


You can do this via recording it on minidisc first or via a lead from your mixer to the soundcard on your PC.

You will need some recording software - Soundforge is good but expensive.

I have total recorder which cost me about eight quid over the net but works fine for what I need.

You then need some CD burning software su7ch as Nero burner.

A thing to remember - the new Sony NET MD mini disc players dont allow transfer from MD to PC unless its via the headphone out !!!!
have a trawl on net for inexpensive shareware recording tools...

if all u wanna do is record, then thats a good cheapo option!

i use

firstly i record my mixes onto a mini disc through 'line in' on the minidisc player
then i use ' cool edit pro' for recording onto my pc ,(usually availible to download from the net) , you can get trial versions of these programs from link up the mini disc player to your pc, by linking it from the headphones socket (output) to line in on your pc (speakers) 'usually green' as (input).

hope this info helps
i had a cracked version of Cool Edit Pro (v.good for track splitting the mixes) but it no longer works as Cool Edit was sold to Adobe...

...use Adobe Audition now, exactly same as Cool Edit but different name!
I use steinberg Clean. Great program, even alows you to clear up all the hiss and crackles you tend to get. Only 25quid to. Bargain. Oh yeah and you can burn direct from it to.
if you are one of these people that download full cracked programs illegaly then i suggest you get soundforge ;)

i wouldnt record straight into the md, i find its bad quality. If you are recording into the pc you can watch the sound levels as you are mixing to make sure it is roughly the same throughout your mix!

Nero burning rom allows you to split the mix and burn it without having gaps in it!

good luck!
guys.....a massive thanks. :P :P :P .....

looks like u have given me lots of homework and net serching to do... :oops: ....

at least got direction. :lol: ....

i'll keep ya posted.....

oh and marky-mark-sun-shine-------i may just take u up on your offer...... ;)

catch ya laters....

nick :P
I'm pretty sure you will have a sound card :)

It's the bit where your speakers plug into... there should be two input channels (mic/line) if you have a standard sound card!
If you want to record anything onto your computer use AudioGrabber, it's Freeware and available for download (that's FREE, NADA, ZILCH!). You will need to get the Lame encoder to go with it (all on the download page with simple instructions), very easy to setup.

It is mainly designed to ripp CD's onto your computer but in the last few weeks I've found it's great for recording in analogue from vinyl. In the tests I've done SoundForge takes up around 90% of processor resources but AudioGrabber only takes up around 20% meaning less chance of any hiccups in the recording. I'm now using it to record all my vinyl I buy every week as well as ripping CD's (very fast at this).