CDJ tricks


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This is half "what do you reckon on this tip" and half "arent I amazing for finding this out all myself" and half "another 'post your trick and tips here for novices like me' thread"

When mixing with my cdj's, I've got into the (bad?) habit of (assuming both the tunes are on the same positive or negative side of the 0% pitch slider) I press the 0% pitch lock for a few beats/seconds to make the tiniest of adjustments, thus not having to touch the jog dial.

In theory, it makes a much better gradual roll back to bring the tunes in line.

Only really, like I said, for really tiny adjustments. As I run the pitch slider on the -+10% setting, for long smooth mixes theres often a slight drift as theres a 0.05% difference in marks.

I suppose it's a 'better' digital version of the flicking the power off on (the quicker running) vinyl tt's to bring the tunes back into line

Anyone else do this/know what I'm talking about? Is it a common 'trick'?

Any more tips/techniques people wish to pass on so I don't feel this thread is too selfindulgent/all about me?

Also, with regards to looping, My tip, is a) practice, then B) get ready to adjust AS SOON AS as the first loop has ended.

The main thing you need to remember, is that (on the assumption that both decks are correctly time synched etc) if the looped deck is quicker (i.e. come back early), then instantly touch the side BACK (do this bit first to get the tunes back in synch) and then quickly press the "out loop" and then the search buttons right (may need only one touch so be gentle) to extend the loop.(remember to press outloop again to escape "edit loop mode"

Quite obvious, but then if you have the mantra

If looped deck comes back too QUICK> nudge platter BACK, out loop RIGHT
If looped deck comes back too SLOW> nudge platter FORWARD, out loop LEFT (to shorten)

In memory, then , along with muchos practice, you too can loop like the stars. 12 Minute drum solo's are yours forever!

ye want te know me secrets do ye!!
I have to say first of all that I feel like an absolute twat about this, probably even more so for admitting it but having had my CDJ1000's for well over a year now, I only just realised (and totally by chance aswell) last night how long you can actually loop for...

When you press the loop in button to start the loop it starts flashing and i'd always just assumed (rather stupidly I know!) that you had to hit the loop out button to set the end of the loop by the time the loop in button had stopped flashing (which usually seemed to be after around 8 beats)...only just realised last night that this isn't the case at all and you can in fact set much longer loops if you want to which has resulted in mixed feelings for me; a bit of :D :D :D - longer loops (yay!) and plenty of :oops: :oops: :oops: - can't believe it's taken me over a year to realise this, wonder what else i've not figured out!
umbongo said:
I have to say first of all that I feel like an absolute twat about this, probably even more so for admitting it but having had my CDJ1000's for well over a year now, I only just realised (and totally by chance aswell) last night how long you can actually loop for...

When you press the loop in button to start the loop it starts flashing and i'd always just assumed (rather stupidly I know!) that you had to hit the loop out button to set the end of the loop by the time the loop in button had stopped flashing (which usually seemed to be after around 8 beats)...only just realised last night that this isn't the case at all and you can in fact set much longer loops if you want to which has resulted in mixed feelings for me; a bit of :D :D :D - longer loops (yay!) and plenty of :oops: :oops: :oops: - can't believe it's taken me over a year to realise this, wonder what else i've not figured out!

Hahahahaha I thought the same thing mate!! Admittedly it didn't take me a year to figure it out though :P
umbongo said:
I have to say first of all that I feel like an absolute twat about this, probably even more so for admitting it but having had my CDJ1000's for well over a year now, I only just realised (and totally by chance aswell) last night how long you can actually loop for...

When you press the loop in button to start the loop it starts flashing and i'd always just assumed (rather stupidly I know!) that you had to hit the loop out button to set the end of the loop by the time the loop in button had stopped flashing (which usually seemed to be after around 8 beats)...only just realised last night that this isn't the case at all and you can in fact set much longer loops if you want to which has resulted in mixed feelings for me; a bit of :D :D :D - longer loops (yay!) and plenty of :oops: :oops: :oops: - can't believe it's taken me over a year to realise this, wonder what else i've not figured out!

Not that it happened to me, but yes, I do see it as a bit of a (the only!) design flaw.

Everything else is pretty much perfect tho!
I haven't got a cdj, but in the few times ive used them i've figured everything out appart from the 4 buttons in the top left corner.... I know theyre extra cue points (or whatever they get called)... How do you assign a cue point to these buttons?!
jrd said:
I haven't got a cdj, but in the few times ive used them i've figured everything out appart from the 4 buttons in the top left corner.... I know theyre extra cue points (or whatever they get called)... How do you assign a cue point to these buttons?!

jrd said:
I haven't got a cdj, but in the few times ive used them i've figured everything out appart from the 4 buttons in the top left corner.... I know theyre extra cue points (or whatever they get called)... How do you assign a cue point to these buttons?!


First, press the button fourth from top 'REC MODE', once you've done this the 3 buttons above 'A', 'B' and 'C' should turn red showing that they are now ready for you to assign an additional cue point to them. To do this, as the cd playing goes past the point you want to set as an additional cue point, just press either 'A', 'B' or 'C' and the additional cue point will be set to the button you pressed. You can set 1 additional cue point to each button and once you've set the desired number of additional cue points just press 'REC MODE' again; this will take buttons 'A', 'B' and 'C' out of 'REC MODE' (they should now turn green) and when you press them they should seamlessly flick between the additional cue points you assigned to them; these should also save automatically to the memory card for future use aswell.

I've just read this back and realised i'm absolutely shit at explaining things like this.

My apologies, hope it makes at least some sense!