CDJ 1000

lil' Joey

Active Member
Well i am about to do it and spend some serious money on another peice of kit. Does anyone know the cheapest place to get a CDJ 1000 from?
Yes i am a tight git, so there :D I think
(run by Sapphires).

I got mine for £685 and free delivery.

(ring them as opposed to online, it was cheaper for some reason !)

had to wait a few days for stocks to arrive though, these beauties fly out !
I asked on here a while ago what the MK2 had over the Mk1's but no-one replied :(

Do u know N8?

Joey- u checked out the Denon CD Deck mate?
Something u might be interested in...

nish said:
I asked on here a while ago what the MK2 had over the Mk1's but no-one replied :(

Do u know N8?

Joey- u checked out the Denon CD Deck mate?

Hi nish. Mk2 has a few more features like the platter being alot looser for scratching. Digital out in vinyl mode which the mk1 didnt have.

auto loop points where the Mk1 u had to do it manually plus more.

I got a Mk1 and they are an awesome bit of kit.

I would check out ebay coz u get some pukka deals on there. I picked up 2 brand new Mk3 1210's with a gemini mixer all boxed for £500. :)

check out
the mk2 looks amazing, i dont know all the technical ins n outs but i sure had alot of fun playing wiht it in selfridges and in friends studios.
Bubble said:
nish said:
Joey- u checked out the Denon CD Deck mate?

I have it! It's a great bit of kit. The platter spins just like a vinyl deck! 8)

Yup! I think u can even get something to stick on the platter to make it feel like vinyl!! -Dont quote me on that tho ;)
Pretty cheap stuff on that link !! im gonna get my 1200's might bung in a cd deck too ! :lol:
nish said:
Yup! I think u can even get something to stick on the platter to make it feel like vinyl!! -Dont quote me on that tho ;)

Yes it's true, gonna get round to doing that this weekend... :)