Cash machines in San Antonio?


New Member
I went to Magaluf last year and took all my spending money with me and kept it in a safe in the hotel room which worked perfectly fine and a lot of my friends were having problems with withdrawing money from cash points. This year I'm going to Ibiza and after hearing stories of my friends loosing hundred of euros from their hotel rooms I am drawn towards using cash points in Ibzia and just withdrawing as and when I need it? Is this a good idea and how reliable are the cash machines in San Antonio?
theres a big Santander at the bottom of west end / on the harbour , seeing as its a massive international bank with branches in uk i reckon is probs most reliable one.
Im with Natwest and using my debit card ive never had a problem with any cash machine in ibiza. A friend of ours did though but i reckon he just ran out of money
Make sure you tell your bank you are going away, and for how long! I know with Barclays, they can cancel your card.

There is one cash point I would advise against, just by the crossroads at Carrer General Balanzat & Carrer Madrid, two of my friends have had their cards swallowed there (on separate trips!)
you run the risk of getting your card duplicated - this happened to 4-5 people ovber the summer I knew last year...but you run that risk using a card anywhere in the world.