Cart Check-Out Problems


Staff member
Hi Spotlight team,

Experiencing difficulty checking-out when trying to purchase an Enter ticket for the closing party this Thursday.

I wish to pay via PayPal.

I also have other tickets in my basket.

I have the option of using PayPal when I have no Enter tickets in my basket. But the moment I add Enter tickets the option to use PayPal disappears...

Is this a bug? Or is there a reason for this? Purchased Enter tickets using this method last week no problem.

Thanks in advance.

we enforce a 4 day minimum release for all paypal purchases because of the many fraud attempts this year. the four day rule allows us to check all paypal orders manually and then send them to our paypal rep for confirmation.

i've added a message about this to the FAQ.

sorry! but the fraudsters never let up.
Ahh balls. Not a problem, that makes sense. Guess I will just have to take my card away with me after all!

Thanks for the reply.