Carl Cox Upgrade at Space


Well-Known Member
I wanted to know the likelyhood of being able to get a upgrade to V.I.P without loosing the money already paid on a ticket for Carl Cox Closing party at Space.

We went last year and it was mega busy. Looking to get V.I.P sorted out this year.

We booked direct with Carl Cox website. We are willing to pay the going rate but wondered if anybody had bought general admission tickets in the past and then decided to upgrade.

All the best

That is what I would be after but as already paid for General ticket would I loose this part?. I have heard that it would probably be around 150 euros each for a cheap table in the main room.

Problem is me and my wife willing to pay for the upgrade but mate isn't. Not going to leave my mate hanging.

I have been a massive Coxy fan for about 20 years. Fingers crossed as I entered a competition for 3 backstage passes...
bit of a tricky question with the two yes but one no situation. else i would have said just cancel those tickets you already have and get a table right from the start.

but in your case, just try and see what they offer maybe.
Cheers I have contacted Space direct. Guess won't be anybody really working there for a while.

If I could get. 3/2 price on a tae then ideal but don't see Space going for that. I did meet a guy who works for ocean beach who said about getting us backstage passes but you never know if they are BS. Fingers crosses for the competition then.
We ended up in VIP a few years ago...was boring, your better getting right in amongst it! Haha :) maybe that's just me...
I went to the same party last year and it was too hot and too crowded. If I was 21 again I probably would have loved it but I am 34 now and wife is 37.

Still love it but need somewhere to sit.