car hire at airport


New Member
Has anyone ever booked a car over the internet and then picked it up at the airport?

I have a feeling i will book it online, turn up at the airport and there will be no car!
im booked to pick mine up june 4th at the airport.
i have been assured they will NEVER leave the desk until you pick up your car.

big promise, but ive never heard of anybody having problems.
i'll let you know how i get on!
Yep no probs, ive booked a car 2 years in a row and have just booked a car for this year also.

every year on line it has been fine, infact, its cheaper and quicker to book car hire online, just make sure you print off all the confirmation and details. Also you need a credit card to book.


Briggs28 said:
Mozza i see your from watford. I hope your not a hornet!

I most definately am a hornet, season ticket holder no less. As such, my excitement level is at fever pitch pending Sunday's play off final!
I've booked cars to pick up at airport plenty of times and have never had any problem whatsoever.

The only thing I could say is that I always seem to get a better car than the one I've booked.
yes i have to say over the years i have hired a car ,i have had trouble at all,its easy now they have a multi car park,and like StephenPowley says .you seem to get a better car that you most of the time in may they are brandnew,its just nice you can go anywhere on the island .in style.use the car as much as you can,plus you can get to airport in time to beat the rush of the return buses,dont for get the rules in ibiza driving ok,spare pair of glasses if you wearing drive like a local. round abouts are a laugh,the locals have never driven on motorways or really busy they drive like nutters.use your mirrors at all times .bikes sneak up on you.sometimes in town they tow on your car.but dont forget your BRITISH,acted thick.and dont forget your horn and the odd shouting f off.enjoy it.i love it,one more thing dont forget to get a tiket if in parking zones.or it will sost you about 100 euros plus in fines,use main page for this info..woody 31st to 14th june,2006.
personally i would avoid booking at/from airports (anywhere), as the rate tends to be higher than in town..? got to balance convenience against cost, and also the return times- last time a few friends went, they had to return car at 10am, but their flight wsnt until later in the day, so stuck with luggage all day!
crifter222 load of pay to get to resort then,you £££££ ins hireing a car,lots cheaper,you dont use the right companys then toget best car book what time you what to return the car not them-your paying for it.sorry-:oops: djwoody
15 years booking at airport - only thing to consider is if it really is at the airport. Some companies use Hyperent as an agent and they are a few minutes from the airport - they pick you up in a minibus and take you to their office and then you wait for between 30 minutes and a couple of hours, never known a more useless bunch of clowns and it's the same when you want to drop off.
Always look for those that actually have an office at the airport like Avis, Betacar, Europcar or use the likes of or who use them as agents - never forget to get at least two quotes and play one off against the other, you should end up paying only about half the first quote and all companies will price match - plus!
I got back last week , booked a mid sized car ( megan / golf etc ) from my travel agent in this UK , Just under £130 for the week inc CDW, I asked what the price`s were there and it was nearly that in euro`s a day for the free upgrade to a VW 7 seater with 800km on it I got, I asked the Lady if it would be cheeper to walk in the office next time I go, she said no, I had far better deal than that they would do,