yes i have to say over the years i have hired a car ,i have had trouble at all,its easy now they have a multi car park,and like StephenPowley says .you seem to get a better car that you most of the time in may they are brandnew,its just nice you can go anywhere on the island .in style.use the car as much as you can,plus you can get to airport in time to beat the rush of the return buses,dont for get the rules in ibiza driving ok,spare pair of glasses if you wearing drive like a local. round abouts are a laugh,the locals have never driven on motorways or really busy they drive like nutters.use your mirrors at all times .bikes sneak up on you.sometimes in town they tow on your car.but dont forget your BRITISH,acted thick.and dont forget your horn and the odd shouting f off.enjoy it.i love it,one more thing dont forget to get a tiket if in parking zones.or it will sost you about 100 euros plus in fines,use main page for this info..woody 31st to 14th june,2006.