Capitalist kuntz thread - olympics


I cannot believe that you are looking to profiteer from the Olympics.

This now bans you from ever giving sermons on the evil of greed and capitalism and ownership to the rest of us.

However, my friends are doing this and yes they expect to rake it in too.
We'll be doing this next year too but for when the Open Golf comes around living across the road from the course has it's advantages.

Will pay for a very nice family holiday for the week with money left over :D
Room available for the Dubai 7's and Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.

(Priority given to Swedish females aged 21-35)
So all of a sudden I'm the spokesperson for capitalism => NEXT! :rolleyes:

Profiteering from the olympics = I can. F'ing Londoners are being charged a fortune without having any say in it.

Not sure how being a bloody homeowner is at odds with my thoughts on the banking industry but goferit, sling the mud if you will (preferably naked).
So all of a sudden I'm the spokesperson for capitalism => NEXT! :rolleyes:

Profiteering from the olympics = I can. F'ing Londoners are being charged a fortune without having any say in it.

Not sure how being a bloody homeowner is at odds with my thoughts on the banking industry but goferit, sling the mud if you will (preferably naked).

But that said, seriously - is anyone able to help?
So all of a sudden I'm the spokesperson for capitalism => NEXT! :rolleyes:

Profiteering from the olympics = I can. F'ing Londoners are being charged a fortune without having any say in it.

Not sure how being a bloody homeowner is at odds with my thoughts on the banking industry but goferit, sling the mud if you will (preferably naked).

As long as you're not biting Rob!;)

Seriously, it's bound to be a goer, just make sure you check out who you are doing it through as it's also bound to attract a lot of scamsters.
Hmmm...I am thinking about it.
I have 3 flats over that way...2 in Bethnal Green and another in Bow...I guess that is close enough. Will have to check to see when the current rental contracts are up. Very tempted at those prices though as one of them in Bethnal Green is a 5 bedroom, plus if i stick a tent up on the balcony.....
Room available for the Dubai 7's and Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.

(Priority given to Swedish females aged 21-35)

Now this, i like 8)

Im not Swedish tho, however my mother is norwegian thus giving me scandinavian blood - does that count :lol:
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Hmmm. Nearest tube station (5 min walk) from mine to Stratford is 53 mins, and after January's loft conversion, I'll have five or six bedrooms.
