Cap de's Falco?


Active Member
Hello, I migth sound quite ignorant but I only hear speacking of Es Cap de's Falcó, that it is so nice and it have's a very nice sunset, can anybody explain to me where is it, what is it , i's a beach, rocks?
Thanks I-Spy, you mean before turning to Las Salinas? The salt beds are in the rigth hand and Las Salinas in the left , before or after turning toward las Salinas?
What sort of restaurant it is? can you just go for drinks or it's just a restaurant?

It's a great place to watch the sunset. YOu can walk (subir la cuesta) and you have stunning views. ;)

But I was eaten by the bloody moscats there :?
Hi Silvia, what about the food? is it just a restaurant or you can have a drink? I was thinking that if is also a bar we could go after spending the day in Ses Salines, if not we could go to have lunch? :D
mikkak said:
Hi Silvia, what about the food? is it just a restaurant or you can have a drink? I was thinking that if is also a bar we could go after spending the day in Ses Salines, if not we could go to have lunch? :D

We didn't went to the bar, we walked to the top of the cliff to see the sunset and be eaten by the mosquitos ;)

There's few pics of that day in my albums if you want to "cotillear" a bit
Very good idea, last year we saw a sunset with the Vedrà in front it was really beautiful, very peacefull and mystical. So we would climb up the clift see the sunset and in the way back if we want to stop we would. There is also the posibility of having lunch in this restaurant the same day, but there is also Jockey that my friend from Ibiza (that lives in Mallorca) hardly recommended us, we want to try Jockey, last year we couldn't, so will see.
stephen said:
and the new one :arrow:

nickclayton said:
It is the best place to see the sunset through the winter

It is a great place to see the sunset and chill-out with Es Vedrà far away on the background. There're a few sofas to feel confortable. Much quieter than the Sunset Strip.

Nevertheless the beach isn't sandy nor rocky. It's full of stones and boulders and you have to watch out.
concerning the food: VERY tasty!!! but also pricey. but the stuff they cook and prepare is so good! really go there...and make sure you try one of their postres, cap d'es falcó is famous for them!!!
Experimental Beach said:
All right chaps we are closed Friday 4th July all day + Saturday 5th July after 5pm only + Sunday 6th July after 5pm only for private party
if cipriani can set an illegal scenario in a public area why can't the rest do the same . . . . . .