canadians coming...


New Member
Me and a friend are coming down from mid-june till mid-september to work. We're both reps but are looking to take a summer break from our 6 days a week 12 hours a day job and have some fun...! We're canadian and I want to know if we'll need some work permits or do most jobs hire under the table? I'd love, like everyone who goes there I guess, work in a sunset bar like cafe del mar in san antonio. We both speak english, french and spanish. I'm not very worried but it's nice to be encouraged!
im leaving on the 18th of may to go down and look for a dj'ing job, hope to see you guys around, cant really answer your q's cause im a n00b. first year out there :) yey.
Oh cool! Well good luck I'm sure you'll have no trouble...write something when you get there I'll check the forum and maybe we'll see each other down there! Thanks for the reply, I was feeling a bit neglected :rolleyes:
Cheers MeL