Can you take portable cameras into clubs?


New Member
(specifically in Sankeys, Space and DC10)

One's like these :

I'm all for no cameras in clubs. Would help people focus on the music and those around them rather than themselves, their mates and the feckin DJ booth. Wish they'd ban phones with them too. Pity almost all phones have them nowadays.
I'm all for no cameras in clubs. Would help people focus on the music and those around them rather than themselves, their mates and the feckin DJ booth. Wish they'd ban phones with them too. Pity almost all phones have them nowadays.
As with most things, it's a shame people can't can't police themselves. I took 6 photos and 2 20 second videos in 5 hours at The Stones Roses gig last week. They are nice memories of a night out with my childhood best friend, who was visiting from New York, watching our favourite band from our youth.

The people, hundreds of them, who felt the need to video every song and burger van, however, are the problem. People are dicks basically.
Leave you cameras and phones at home or in your room and enjoy the night. You dont need photos to remember a good night!
Leave you cameras and phones at home or in your room and enjoy the night. You dont need photos to remember a good night!

I like to take a few snaps to remember where i've been, but I do agree that the people who photo/video every little thing are a complete pain!

won't be long before the clubs have no control over camera's though, Mobile Phone camera's are getting better and better, saw a new one the other day with a proper zoom lens on the back for example.