Can you leave and enter these clubs:


New Member
Hey everyone,

I was last in Ibiza in 2002, so I am not sure if things changed, so here's the question. Does Eden, Amnesia, Privilege, or Pacha let you out of clubs (and I mean not just outside near the bouncers)? In 2002, I would hide water bottles a block away from the clubs and go there to drink every now and then. Can I still do that and at what clubs?

Thanks a lot. My trip is this Saturday!
Hey everyone,

I was last in Ibiza in 2002, so I am not sure if things changed, so here's the question. Does Eden, Amnesia, Privilege, or Pacha let you out of clubs (and I mean not just outside near the bouncers)? In 2002, I would hide water bottles a block away from the clubs and go there to drink every now and then. Can I still do that and at what clubs?

Thanks a lot. My trip is this Saturday!

What a clever idea! I think you can get a stamp on your wrist at Eden but not sure about Amnesia & other clubs- ibiza in 9 days!!
Hey everyone,

In 2002, I would hide water bottles a block away from the clubs and go there to drink every now and then.

Wow what a coincidence!! the same year when the toilets were full we used to go outside, find bottles people had hidden behind walls and use them!! we thought it was really weird the way the bottles seemed emptier on our return visits! (we blamed evaporation!)
Nice! It was weird that someone kept drinking my water at Amnesia a few times... :)

Anyone else have news about Pacha, Privilege and especially Amnesia now? I really could use it.
Nice! It was weird that someone kept drinking my water at Amnesia a few times... :)

Anyone else have news about Pacha, Privilege and especially Amnesia now? I really could use it.

Bloomin el! These were the times! I wish a was young again!!!!!
The past couple of years have seen the clubs adopting the "one shoe" policy.

You can leave, but you are only allowed to take one shoe with you.

You leave the other shoe in a large box at reception and you get it when you return.

It's to ensure you don't go far and return quickly. Lots of people are really unhappy about it.

To get around it lots of people hide a spare shoe a few blocks from the club, but unfortunately they tend to go missing which is why you see lots of people in Ibizan clubs with odd shoes.

However, if you have shi t shoes, it will probably be quite cost effective to lose a shoe but save on drinks prices by drinkign water hidden behind a wall.

So in summary my advice would be to buy lots of shi t shoes and keep them hidden in various gardens and walls around ibiza.
That explains a weird one we saw recently where there was an article in the newspaper about a bloke nicking shoes from outside the shoe shops. The police couldn't understand the need for nicking individual 'lefts' (unless the thief was one legged) and assumed it was kids messing about... clearly it must have been those international shoe smuggling rings getting 'Mules' to take them to clubbers in Ibiza !