Can anyone give me info on the seedy building near port des torrent?


Well-Known Member
I think it was a pink building with pictures of some s&m style women looked like a bit of a brothel :spank: Was also near a huge sign advertising Ibiza's swingers hotel :spank:
My mate wants to investigate but I said I will ask on here first and hopefully get enough info to steer him away from going.....unless he still wants to :D
Sorry I cant give any more info, other then its down the road from a big round about that the bus goes to san an goes down and there is a supermarket on the corner and a cafe. At the bottom of the hill there is a beach with a few eateries and a bus stop.
Any ideas?
Just found out it is called the beverly, what a erm.....lovely place :D
Text me mate to tell him the good news and got a rollocking as he was sat next to his mrs who could of read my text :spank: