camping advice anyone?


New Member
my bf and i are celebrating our college graduation by taking a 2 month trip around europe. since we have to pay rent on our apt while we're gone, we are looking for ways to cut costs while on our trip.
many reasonably priced hotels require a 5-7 night minimum stay and we only plan on staying 3-4 nights. i doubt we will be spending much time in a hotel anyways.
so my bf wants to live vicariously and take our chances sleeping on the beach. myself, wanting to enjoy basic comforts like warm showers and a place to take refuge while recovering from the long nights, was thinking about camping.
i found a website listing a few camping areas where you can rent tents and have decent facilities for pretty cheap.
has anybody done this before, i'd like to know what your experience was like. also, does anyone know which campsite is the closest to town, ie where the clubs are. thanks so much!!
I assume no one else knows of camping near the clubs or they would have replied by now - only ones I know are in Es Cana, one near the town and the other right on the beach but you will have to use the disco bus to get back from the clubs

Hope this helps

thanks for the info Tony, i also checked out your website and found it to be helpful.
i was hoping however to bother you with one more question. i have read posting from years past and others have stated that while the campgrounds website indicates that tent rentals are available, upon arrival they discovered this not to be so. do you know if either of there sites do in fact offer rental tent?
thanks again for your help!!
As someone who camped on the White Isle, I'll tell you it is a different experence.

-There is one central location where everybody eats, drinks and socializes. It's rather communal and nice.

-The main areas where people walk are very sandy and dusty- after comming out of the shower and walking to your tent you need to shower again!

-It was 40 degrees C the time I went. It was horrible trying to sleep.

- There were some hippies playing conga drums into the wee-hours of the night. That was irratating.

- I believe that there was a firing range near the campsite. I did hear what I believed to be gunshots. 8O

It's different but everyone should try it at least once.
Dual_Life said:
I believe that there was a firing range near the campsite. I did hear what I believed to be gunshots. 8O
the firing range is in cap martinet near ibiza town..........


We met 2 girls who were camping in the woods behind Mijhorn Beach. They used the outdoor showers in hotel swimming pools to keep clean. They used the bars and restaurants in the evenings then snuck back to their hidden tent late at night. They paid virtually nothing for 2 weeks on the island. If you hire cycles, you could probably visit a different beach each day.
