Campaign to stop the singing of 'here we, here we, here we f*ckin go'

I think it is a Scottish thing. I was at Pendulum last night and it was chanted throughout. Sad.
The closest I've come to this is the Czechs in Prague, durr durring the tune to Seven nation army. But It only annoyed me because in my blurry state I couldn't remember the name of the song, and when we got chatting to some French people later on, and I asked them if they knew it, I had forgot the tune and started durr durring Samba De Janero.
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To be more specific I'd say its a Weegie thing. It never used to travel anywhere but its spreading :(

I like the atmosphere it helps create but it does grate when chanted incessantly.

I heard a pretty loud rendition of it a couple of years ago at Tiesto in Privilege!

IIRC Judge Jules HATES it.
can i sing it on june 12th in murphys? but with the words

The never ending campaigns on FB and elswhere are becoming tedious,they take people's attention away from things that actually matter !!

Seriously,if 90 million people 'supported' this proposal what difference could it make ?
The never ending campaigns on FB and elswhere are becoming tedious,they take people's attention away from things that actually matter !!

Seriously,if 90 million people 'supported' this proposal what difference could it make ?

You wont be joining my 'Death to Kerry Katona' group then?
The never ending campaigns on FB and elswhere are becoming tedious,they take people's attention away from things that actually matter !!

Seriously,if 90 million people 'supported' this proposal what difference could it make ?

Bet you are a bundle of joy, what every happened to the fun ravers spirit? If you dont like it, dont do anything - easy.

Get back to listening to the Smiths cheery chops.
Bet you are a bundle of joy, what every happened to the fun ravers spirit? If you dont like it, dont do anything - easy.

Get back to listening to the Smiths cheery chops.
On that note does anyone know of any 'please reform The Smiths' FB campaign? :p
The worst when we were there in August was 'when i say you say we say they say MAKE SOME NOISE'....Mostly sung by sunburnt english chavs on their way to Clubland or '2wice as nice'!

Am sure it's actually from an 'Oxide and Neutrino' song featuring the Casualty theme song!