
I cant speak for bm but I have been to amnesia for only cocoon and cream nights and never seen anyone have a problem taking pics. Some even recording vids and no issues with security. As with the smoking though maybe it depends on time and place and just cause I got away with it doesnt mean it is allowed on both counts :)
for amnesia you're all good if your phone is your camera. but for everything else they usually stop you...

all the others seem to be fine now. less zoo project.
I cant speak for bm but I have been to amnesia for only cocoon and cream nights and never seen anyone have a problem taking pics. Some even recording vids and no issues with security. As with the smoking though maybe it depends on time and place and just cause I got away with it doesnt mean it is allowed on both counts :)

some people get in with cameras of course.

they have 100% have a policy to try and stop you getting it in though. bag searches and pocket searches on entrance for example.
I cant speak for bm but I have been to amnesia for only cocoon and cream nights and never seen anyone have a problem taking pics. Some even recording vids and no issues with security. As with the smoking though maybe it depends on time and place and just cause I got away with it doesnt mean it is allowed on both counts :)

I took my phone with camera on into Cocoon @ Amnesia and never got questioned/stopped. Its a risk you take if you take you camera with you they may want to keep it to one side you may be a lucky one who gets in no bother. I got some awesome pics on my phone though.
On thinking about it in the past the only place i've had 'an issue' taking my phone with a camera on was into Space however this was about 4 years ago and reading that link posted apparently their rules have changed. I hope so cos I am on the guestlist there on Friday and plan to take my iphone with me.

Enjoy!! x
I can't see their problem anyway it's a stupid rule not like there isn't shed loads of pics and vids online anyway :lol:
I've seen plenty of folk with cameras and nothing has been said to anyone so we must of been lucky.
Re Amnesia...

I was there on Thursday night for Cream and was taking lots of pics as was everybody else around me then all of a sudden i felt a tap on the shoulder and was asked to hand my camera over. I was taken by the fella over to a small booth type thing near the entrance and given a ticket and told if i wanted it back i had to pay 3 euros. When we left i handed over the 3 euros and was given my camera back without any problems.

So its definately worth it to take the risk, afterall what's 3 euros compared to the dozens of pics i got with my friends in one of the best clubs in the world!
Re Amnesia...

I was there on Thursday night for Cream and was taking lots of pics as was everybody else around me then all of a sudden i felt a tap on the shoulder and was asked to hand my camera over. I was taken by the fella over to a small booth type thing near the entrance and given a ticket and told if i wanted it back i had to pay 3 euros. When we left i handed over the 3 euros and was given my camera back without any problems.

So its definately worth it to take the risk, afterall what's 3 euros compared to the dozens of pics i got with my friends in one of the best clubs in the world!

You shouldnt have to pay for getting it back :eek:
At least they didnt delete the pics, I would of thought you would of had them removed before them returning it. So moral of the story is dont get caught and you will be ok 8)
I can't see their problem anyway it's a stupid rule not like there isn't shed loads of pics and vids online anyway :lol:
I've seen plenty of folk with cameras and nothing has been said to anyone so we must of been lucky.

They should ban cameras everywhere, it's starting to get ridiculous the amount of people standing filming the DJ in clubs. I can imagine the live events are even worse for this.
The original idea to ban cameras in the clubs was to allow people to be whoever they want to be inside a club, away from the watch of media.
They should ban cameras everywhere, it's starting to get ridiculous the amount of people standing filming the DJ in clubs. I can imagine the live events are even worse for this.

Thats a good point, but then ive never filmed or had the desire to film a DJ :confused:
I was thinking more for keeping hold of a memory of a great night with friends etc. The being who you want to be theme would suggest no pics of gurning faces which promotes some places the wrong way(I guess) so maybe they shouldn't be allowed.
ban cameras everywhere? starting to sound like China there la.

personally don't agree with banning cameras in any club to be honest. it's only fair people should be allowed to have some way to have a memory of their nights anticsafter the states people end up in.
ban cameras everywhere? starting to sound like China there la.

personally don't agree with banning cameras in any club to be honest. it's only fair people should be allowed to have some way to have a memory of their nights anticsafter the states people end up in.

Yep I agree. I have some awesome memories from clubs in Ibiza that i've taken on my phone. I dont stand and film the DJ and dont see the point in this as I wanna enjoy my night. However its good to look back on the pics a few years down the line and think wowser that was an awesome night or wow was I really that wrecked. :eek: