cameras in clubs??


New Member
hey im off 2 fmif opening next week and was just wondering if you can openly take cameras in ie in your handbag or do you have to 'sneak' them in??
The only place I have ever seen someone have their camera taken off them to be returned at the end / on leaving is the Zoo Project. I just use my phone as it means less things for me to lose and they cant take that off me.
I know they have these policies but I have only ever seen it happen at the zoo. Too much hassle just in case, no way I could be arsed waiting around for a camera at the end! Bad enough waiting for the disco bus.
I know they have these policies but I have only ever seen it happen at the zoo. Too much hassle just in case, no way I could be arsed waiting around for a camera at the end! Bad enough waiting for the disco bus.
I've been frisked by security and specifically asked about a camera at Privilege.
As with any rule, enforcement can be piecemeal. But just because you didn't see it doesn't mean people aren't getting caught!
hey im off 2 fmif opening next week and was just wondering if you can openly take cameras in ie in your handbag or do you have to 'sneak' them in??

Talking from experience, last year I took my digital camcorder into FMIF - was recording as I walked in and the security didn't even flinch.

Mind you, last laugh was probably on them as they probably realised it'd be too congested to breath, let alone film!

Earlier on whilst it was quiet(ish!) I managed to get some good shots on the dancefloor, decor & DJing - the security were far more concerned with clubbers climbing onto the decor for personal space!
Wow! Another camera post!

anyway, don't take it in.. I got a severe warning once. They might feel your boobs when you're getting searched so they'll feel the camera, unless you have massive boobs that is.

There's no way I could hide anything in my top! :lol:

Don't most people have a camera on their phone these days?
Wow! Another camera post!

anyway, don't take it in.. I got a severe warning once. They might feel your boobs when you're getting searched so they'll feel the camera, unless you have massive boobs that is.

There's no way I could hide anything in my top! :lol:

Don't most people have a camera on their phone these days?

Im blates can rock n rolla with the BB - shame i didnt take out the Insurance on it when i took the contract....that bad boy will be getting lost :lol:
I've been frisked by security and specifically asked about a camera at Privilege.
As with any rule, enforcement can be piecemeal. But just because you didn't see it doesn't mean people aren't getting caught!

You're missing my point, I am not saying it doesnt happen. Merely stating that I have only seen it happen once, so might not be to strict a rule. I have seen and been with many folk who have taken in and openly used cameras in all the above mentioned clubs, just trying to give a example of life experience rather than an article stating the rules.
You're missing my point, I am not saying it doesnt happen. Merely stating that I have only seen it happen once, so might not be to strict a rule. I have seen and been with many folk who have taken in and openly used cameras in all the above mentioned clubs, just trying to give a example of life experience rather than an article stating the rules.
And you're missing my point.

The information in the article linked above is direct from the clubs. So those ARE the rules.

As with any rules, you can get around them, and sometimes they won't be enforced wholeheartedly. But people should be aware of them so that they're not surprised.

And so much for that article's intended purpose of saving us from the annual 10 - 15 cameras-in-club threads :lol: