Cala Conta (tonite ...) Full Moon Party


Well-Known Member
Mr C

I'm playing at a free full moon party on the beach in a tiny cove in Cala Conta in a few hours time. Just sayin'.
Azibi1 fred from paris & i came to cala conte as the guardia civil shut the party around 3.00 am;not lucky.we heard about this event through a portuguese customer of "the word needs nate" 8 av de espana,as he saw me practising on my drum..Any other raw party?

The Local Police broke up two illegal parties which had been planned to celebrate the full moon in Cala Conta and Cala Vadella last week. Rumours had reached the ears of the officers that parties were being organised and they were therefore prepared when about one hundred and fifty people turned up in the small Racó d"en Xic cove in Cala Conta. The organizer was identified and his powerful music equipment was impounded. A separate set of officers dispersed the other fiesta before it had a chance to get going as it is illegal to hold gatherings in public places without prior permission, although it is doubtful whether it would have been granted had they applied.
I have to say that u should try the drums or any other stuff because thanks to i,t its a key to many things :D..Can't imagine how many people i met thanks to my babe (darbuka) & it will be better year by year as my skills will increade.I really plan to play on stage in ibz daytime party :cool:. for the illegal partie it's a nightmare when you spend some time & when there party is over :eek:
I've heard that some of my lovely fb contact (She IS VERY LOVELY) had made private villa or yacht parties ...anyone have done some of those?