cafe mambo sunset strip

Is there any dress code here as the night progresses? We was hoping to just go there in the day, no tops/vests etc and then stay and see the sunset?
Go to any Eroskis or Aprops on route and pick some food and drink up. Prices at the surrounding bars are very, very high!

I remember when I last did it, I bought a few bottles, and a baguette had change out of 10€, while others were paying the same for just one bottle.

CLothing wise, your outside, so just have your usual clobber on, and at the very least a T-shirt as there can be a breeze dependant on the time of year.
just beware as last year they was asking people who stood infront of bars to move on if they had bought there own beers .nothing they can do if your on the cobbles.
Yeah, Should have covered that - As long as your on the cobbles / Rocks then Id say your in probably the best spot. The cheer when the sun goes down and the whole atmosphere is electric.

Have to watch the Sun Rise in Es Cana and pretend its the sunset and imagine im there :lol:
Iv just booked a table for our visit this year. Can anyone find a copy of the menu this year? and do they sell drinks by the bottle or are we just as well buying single drinks? We have a minimum spend of 70 euros each for a sea front table which going by what people have said about last years prices, should be easy to spend.

after writing this I got an email back from them with the new menu and drinks menus :) thanks anyways
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