Cadenza Opening or Space Opening?

Or both? Anyone have an opinion on which one is NOT TO BE MISSED? Could use a little help with this one.

Which line-up do you prefer?

if you can't decide between the line-ups and you've never been to a space opening I'd say go to that. It's a bit more like a festival than a club night with so many different areas open. I'd say it's an event you should do at least once in your life.. (or space closing)

But thats just my opinion
which line-up do you prefer?

If you can't decide between the line-ups and you've never been to a space opening i'd say go to that. It's a bit more like a festival than a club night with so many different areas open. I'd say it's an event you should do at least once in your life.. (or space closing)

but thats just my opinion

Thanks for the info!! Yeah, I forgot Space Opening was like all day. I suppose I'll try and do both. Sounds like a good idea. Of course, I'm probably gonna need a little :eek:...HAHAA!!
Hahaha yeah it is gonna be a struggle to get through Space... I think I left at like 2am last year :S, but I wasn't feeling it and lost all my companions..

Maybe Pacha is more my thing musically, but I've never been to Pacha and am shamefully proud of that. Plus Space is outdoor and a festival + I gather Pacha as a club isn't great. So I'd say go to Space ;)

How bizarre, literally just randomly got an email from Pacha on the bb after I posted this..
Hahaha yeah it is gonna be a struggle to get through Space... I think I left at like 2am last year :S, but I wasn't feeling it and lost all my companions..

Maybe Pacha is more my thing musically, but I've never been to Pacha and am shamefully proud of that. Plus Space is outdoor and a festival + I gather Pacha as a club isn't great. So I'd say go to Space ;)

How bizarre, literally just randomly got an email from Pacha on the bb after I posted this..

Really? Not a fan of Pacha, huh? Seems like I really enjoyed it the last time I went. I say "seems like" because my memories are somewhat fuzzy....HAHA!! But I look forward to going back.

The Space party sounds like a blast, but I know there's gonna be a ridiculous amount of people there. Is it still fairly easy to get drinks? I mean, this may sound crazy, and you may ask "why even go", but I'm not a big fan of extra large crowds. Are there areas that you can escape to in order to get some space and some air, probably more drinks...=) I don't know...I act like I'm trying to make plans, but once I get on the island, usually everything I expected to do gets tossed completely out the window..HA!! All part of the experience I suppose.
Do the Ushuia opening party on the 27th, get to see Luciano and Reeboot then do Space on the Sunday - thats what we are doing :)
Really? Not a fan of Pacha, huh? Seems like I really enjoyed it the last time I went. I say "seems like" because my memories are somewhat fuzzy....HAHA!! But I look forward to going back.

The Space party sounds like a blast, but I know there's gonna be a ridiculous amount of people there. Is it still fairly easy to get drinks? I mean, this may sound crazy, and you may ask "why even go", but I'm not a big fan of extra large crowds. Are there areas that you can escape to in order to get some space and some air, probably more drinks...=) I don't know...I act like I'm trying to make plans, but once I get on the island, usually everything I expected to do gets tossed completely out the window..HA!! All part of the experience I suppose.

Loool yeah I know about those nights. Happened to me a bit too often of late.. I mean prior to Vagabundos there would be nothing to even tempt me to go to Pacha, I should probably go some time to give it a chance, but based on friends experiences and stuff I've read here it doesn't sound like my sort of club.

As for Space, I think you should give it a shot. The open air 'Flight Arena' is huge and you won't have any issues with claustrophobia there. I don't remember it being too busy inside either, and there are so many rooms + the outdoor terrace to chill in, should be manageable. Drinks will probably involve a 10 minute wait, but I can't imagine that being different in Pacha. I just think Space Opening is one of the 'must do' events. I wish they booked different DJs though...

For me it's a matter of making the most of Space but still being physically able to hit DC-10 opening nice and early the next day. I would love to get there (DC-10) for 12pm, off topic - do they give pass outs at circo loco opening?
Loool yeah I know about those nights. Happened to me a bit too often of late.. I mean prior to Vagabundos there would be nothing to even tempt me to go to Pacha, I should probably go some time to give it a chance, but based on friends experiences and stuff I've read here it doesn't sound like my sort of club.

As for Space, I think you should give it a shot. The open air 'Flight Arena' is huge and you won't have any issues with claustrophobia there. I don't remember it being too busy inside either, and there are so many rooms + the outdoor terrace to chill in, should be manageable. Drinks will probably involve a 10 minute wait, but I can't imagine that being different in Pacha. I just think Space Opening is one of the 'must do' events. I wish they booked different DJs though...

For me it's a matter of making the most of Space but still being physically able to hit DC-10 opening nice and early the next day. I would love to get there (DC-10) for 12pm, off topic - do they give pass outs at circo loco opening?

I have no idea about the Pass outs.....but I do have tickets for Circo Loco too... I'm gonna do my absolute best to get there at a decent hour....

Sounds like Space Opening is gonna be on my list for sure. Thanks for the info, my friend.
I dont think they do offical passouts but then again its abit more relaxed there so they might just let you come back in again maybe. If your talking bout getting a taxi to pdb then coming back after couple hours there would be less chance of that I reckon