
Well-Known Member
.I know who my money is on (unfortunately). Sky News already going full hilt after him (ofcourse in a non-biased manner)
Disappointing. If he'd kept his stupid trap shut he could have stopped Murdoch from expanding his evil empire.

Now blocking the bSkyb takeover will look suspicious.

The irony is that the Telegraph, which broke this story, is against Murdoch's plans
Disappointing. If he'd kept his stupid trap shut he could have stopped Murdoch from expanding his evil empire.

Now blocking the bSkyb takeover will look suspicious.

The irony is that the Telegraph, which broke this story, is against Murdoch's plans


The world is full of fuc king idiots in high places.
Only just caught up with this story, what a flipping mess.

Why didn't he keep shtum, yet more evidence the lib dems are a complete laughing stock (and I voted for them :( ).

Quite apart from this monumental gaffe, has there ever been a more vile, horrible, disgusting character involved in politics than Nick Clegg?

I was a big fan of Vince a few years back, I wonder if he or any of his family, friends, associates made a killing from shorting the financial institutions?
Quite apart from this monumental gaffe, has there ever been a more vile, horrible, disgusting character involved in politics than Nick Clegg?

Any Labour MP's that voted in favour of the Iraq war when in power but now say they opposed it now they are in opposition?
Disappointing. If he'd kept his stupid trap shut he could have stopped Murdoch from expanding his evil empire.

Now blocking the bSkyb takeover will look suspicious.

The irony is that the Telegraph, which broke this story, is against Murdoch's plans

Yep, now they have Colin Matthews (CEO of BAA who has said he will give up his bonus etc) in their sights. I know it has been teribble for people involved in transport delays but at least this guy has stood up and said sorry and said what he is going to do to sort it...unlike politicians (people should look at what is happening at major Europe airports. etc.).

Colin Matthews may be to blame (I do not know) however, I certainly don't think that SKY NEWS should be determining the decision.

Going back to Cable V Murdoch...This is a sad day as at least before there was someone in Government that could campaign against this dross.

I predict that the coalition will fall in the first quarter in 2011. That will not be a bad thing. This nonsense of having to apease everyone on all sides just does not work. A Prime Minister in control would have sacked a minsiter that had done this instantly....he can not because of his affair with the Lib Dems (they will take decades to get back from this...if they ever do). I would be more comfortable with minority rule to be frank. Look as Scotland for example, they have had this in their past parlianment...and generally it has gone ok. It is like life, people reach consensus, give and take etc...
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I heard that Cable was scheduled to appear on "Strictly Come Dancing - Xmas Special".

I wonder if this will still happen?

The mind boggles at this man's judgement............:lol: