Buying a booster seat


Active Member
Hi folks, we've finally sorted car hire for when we come out at the end of this month, but refused to pay the 7 euros per day to rent a booster cushion which is probably worth no more than 10 euros!

So on that basis, does anyone know if such an item can be bought cheaply in supermarkets or shops on the island, preferably around San an?

Thanks in advance, John
I've not seen one in a supermarket. Dulce Bebe, Calle Cervantes 13, San Antonio, sell them. Can't vouch for a cheap price though.
Cheers Don Simon, will give them a try.. if TheHiredGoon's plan doesn't materialise, we might even try taking it on as hand luggage in a Duty Free bag ;)
In the past I've put a high-back booster in the hold - it should be free of charge. A back-less one would fit in your duty free bag though :)
Actually, thinking about it...I've either read or dreamed about some airlines putting them with hold luggage. Don't know about a charge, might be worth checking?
Edit: oh! a bit late with that then
Thomas Cook have told us that we can take one item free of charge so that's going to be the buggy, you never know though we might manage to blag the booster seat too.. I've a feeling we'd be lucky to see it at the other end though, seeing as it's just a bit of polystyrene! Hand luggage is sounding like the safest option
The Trunki Boostapacks are a pretty good investment. They're around £35 online but they double up as a booster seat and a back pack.
wow. was just about to post something along the same lines.. care hire company want 72e euro for child seat and wondered if there wer any other options.. will onviously get a car seat for the 1 year old but my daughetr should be fine with the boostpack.. good shout.. roll on next week