Brookside - Do You Miss It?


Active Member
Perhaps it's a sad reflection on me, but this was the only soap I ever really watched (until the end when it was truly dire).

Did anyone else enjoy Brookie?

Some of the story lines were terrific.

The best one for me was Lyndsey & Shelley, but was a real letdown when Shelley seduced and bedded Lyndseys MUM :eek:
I'm suprised it's not shown on any of the Sky channels.

It would be great to watch the old 'uns, right from the start.
nish said:
I only have to look out the window like lar


But do you live in a community of about ten houses where, in the space of 10 years, there's been loads of murders, numerous fires and explosions, a few rapes, Jimmy Corkhill on drugs, a religious cult that ends in a siege (and murder again!) but sadly, only one lesbian kiss, Nisho, eh?

I used to shout at the screen when new families moved in - "Have you never seen the show? You're doomed I tell ya, doomed!"

Course that was before the doctor's managed to seperate fiction and reality in my addled mind :lol:
loved it :lol: all up for bringing it back or finding re-runs somewhere!

Bring back the days of Barry Grant, he was a real bad guy, who is this Andy from Walford anyway??? :p
stuie said:
don't be saddo's!!! it was shit. :lol:

I am happy to be called a saddo, I loved it :) The misus even bought "The Lost Weekend" when Barry & Lyndsey went off together when Barry's rival gansta geezer was locked in the container :lol:

Does anyone know what Max Farnham is up to these days?
Used to watch it back in the day when the Bobby, Sheila, Barry and Damian were in it. Was great TV. The Corckhills and the Grants were funny.

Stopped watching it round the time when Jimmy went a bit mad and became a teacher :?:
Buckley said:
But do you live in a community of about ten houses where, in the space of 10 years, there's been loads of murders, numerous fires and explosions, a few rapes, Jimmy Corkhill on drugs, a religious cult that ends in a siege (and murder again!) but sadly, only one lesbian kiss, Nisho, eh?

they're pussycats in the suburbs Buckley mate.

You dont know me. Im in the bronx yo. slumming it on the west syeed of maghull. represent

The Harry Enfield thing was based on Terry from Brookside as far as I know. Mad this being a thread today as I was talking about this in work today. As for Terry from brookside being charged with murder. I actually knew the guy he killed, well when I say knew, I mean we went back to his apartment for a party a couple of times. He was a doormen in Liverpool.

But I do miss this
