Broken Jaw? Broken Bones?


Active Member
Has anyone ever broken their jaw? Im wondering cos i want to book a week at the end of August but im still VERY swollen - and its 3 weeks since - will i look normal by then? :cry:

How long does the swelling of a broken bone take to go down?


Big Head
Has anyone ever broken their jaw? Im wondering cos i want to book a week at the end of August but im still VERY swollen - and its 3 weeks since - will i look normal by then? :cry:

How long does the swelling of a broken bone take to go down?


Big Head

Dear Big Head

How did you break your jaw? I have only broken toes and they take aaaages to mend (and in fact never mend properly - my toes are gross!!)
have you got mixamatosis then?

broken jaw, dunno, never had one....cracked a rib once leaning over the garden fence talking to next door when the plant pot i was standing on gave way.:x:x:x followed by :cry::cry:

hurt for weeks!!!!
I've never broken my jaw, but I did dislocate my jaw once... was still a bit sore after 6weeks but the swelling had gone down.

If you do go, I wouldn't recomend chewing too much ;)

Might I suggest that some qualified medical advice might be more relevant than the ramblings of a load of Ibizophile numpties on the net.*

*No offence meant to previous posters!:lol:
you've spoken to a surgeon? Hit the breaks there big lad.
I'm telling you, from experience... the best way to get that jaw of yours on the mend in time for Ibiza is rest that sucker up and try and eat foods that don't involve chewing. Things like soup, pasta, porridge... that kind of thing. I would recommend fish rather than red meat or poultry as well, its a lot softer in your mouth and plus if you try to chew a steak you'll be in agony.