Bristol Girl Going Solo 1-7 July!


New Member
Hi Everyone!

After several attempts trying to arrange a holiday with mates i've now given up and decided to go it alone...scary!!!
I'm planning on heading out to the party island from 1-7 far found some good deals on flights and now just need to sort some accommodation...does anyone have any receommendations in the San An area? Also if anyone else is going out at the same time and fancies meetin up get in touch?
Hope to hear from ya soon.

Jules x
Me and a few mates in the island from June/27 for 1 week. Also staying in San Antonio. Join the crew!!!

Party On!!!
I'm going 30th june for 10 days, me and 4 other lads stopping in mar y vent aparts in San An. aparts look quite good dont know if its booked up or not though.
Nice to know there will be some peeps out there at the same time...was beginning to get a bit worried!!!

Probably heading out on 29th June now and staying for 2wks instead so if anyone fancies meeting up pm me.
Hello All Ibiza 24 Jun - 2 Jul 2006!

Bristol?! Bath?! O Such fond memories!
My Home Town Bristol Or Brizzle If your proper common! lol

Hello Fellow peeps, Me and my cousins r off to Ibiza. They live in Bristol and are going from Bristol International where i'm going the 24 Jun from Gatwick as i now live in Portsmouth (Well just outside Pompey but Close'Enuf!). Their There for 2 weeks where i'm there for the week! 24 Jun 2 Jul.
Should be good Fun, I'm flying solo from Gatwick on a First Choice Flight late night 23.55 or something silly!

Discovered this site the other day finding it awesomely useful!. Fello Brizzle Peoples and alike should all meet up!.
I'm staying at Hotel Brisa in San Antonio, It looks like a lovely hotel and the review from here says its a good hotel so looking forward to going so much so!
Get paid the day i fly out so i'll be lovin everything there and i'm up for trying everythin and anythin!

Message me or add me to MSN if you would like to meet up
My faceparty is: (If You Wanna Check me Out And Rate Me!)

Chat soon and if i don't speak to you all, Av an Awesome Time!