

Active Member
Everyone should boycott JET2.COM's flights anywhere, particularly those going to Ibiza!
The chairman released an inflammatory comment yesterday on the website against the strikes hitting France that is unacceptable and akin to racism!
I am not French - so I don't really care - and I am a resident of France that is very against the strikes! But this is no reason to use the derogatory terms he did!
Some people might find it funny or that I have no sense of humour! I do, but I have long stopped laughing (if I ever did - which I doubt) at jokes and racial slurs against blacks, Jews, Chinese, Mexicans, Arabs, etc... This is the same! No reason for some peoples to be "acceptable" targets of racial/cultural bashing and others not! Especially when it is coming from a Brit!
Very un-Ibiza in my view!


I kid you not!
its typical of the french to have disputes and go on strike, they are always causing chaos especially at their airports....:spank: Sack the lot of them,,,thats what i say!
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And the headline on his statement: " condemns French Strike Action and calls for lazy frogs to get back to work!" 8O

I'm not above occasionally criticizing the French, but a corporate CEO putting out a press release has got to have a brain dead PR director :spank:
it's hardly a gerald ratner!

let's face it the british have hated the french for centuries - we even invented our special V sign just for them - and i reckon that most brits will be 100% behind jet2's ceo.

just an observation, not a personal opinion
Maybe so, but I doubt Jet2 will get warm service from their local partners from now on!

"Oops. pardone moi. We seem to have lost your luggage... and the bags of almost everyone on the plane. C'est la vie!"
pmsl @ ratner :lol: that one will always make me chuckle.

im not gonna get into it again, but most scots do not hate the french, and although this is seen as a bit of humour from this ceo, its just typical of the institutionalised racism which plagues britain (imho). ie. its ok to call them frogs, cause we've always done that, besides we dont really mean it.

sadly stephen, you're probably right though.
its true, i work for and most customers are laughing along with it. I personally neither disagree or agree with the comment but seems the majority of customers so far find it funny.
fatphilb said:
pmsl @ ratner :lol: that one will always make me chuckle.

im not gonna get into it again, but most scots do not hate the french, and although this is seen as a bit of humour from this ceo, its just typical of the institutionalised racism which plagues britain (imho). ie. its ok to call them frogs, cause we've always done that, besides we dont really mean it.

sadly stephen, you're probably right though.

If you really cared about the country you should at least capitalise the initial letter.
I happen to like the French in general because at least they have pride in their country and are still able to say what they like without fear of some cretinous pc brigade leaping on them. So we call them frogs after one of their delicacies and they still call us a nation of shopkeepers - no more wrong is that than calling the scotch(deliberate) tight fisted.
To be fair, it doesn't attribute the words "lazy frogs" to the CEO. However, as a person of responsibility within the company, he has to be aware that this has appeared on the website. If he is indeed aware of the situation, and has done nothing about it, he is condoning the statement in my opinion.

Britain tries to portray itself as a multi-cultural haven for all, yet has it's roots steeped in a mixture of racism, jingoism and a complete mistrust of all things non-British. In my opinion this statement, if you look beyond the "cheeky humour" is incredibly inflammatory to say the least and an apology should be forthcoming.
Tony said:
If you really cared about the country you should at least capitalise the initial letter.
I happen to like the French in general because at least they have pride in their country and are still able to say what they like without fear of some cretinous pc brigade leaping on them. So we call them frogs after one of their delicacies and they still call us a nation of shopkeepers - no more wrong is that than calling the scotch(deliberate) tight fisted.

Good bloody on him I say.

Nice to see a maverick chap with a bit of balls!

You should never mess with another persons holiday. Thinhk of the amount of familis with kids that have saved up all year for their precious week in the sun.

The French have an appauling employment record, and the sheer number of strikes hint that not alls right with their attitude.

Terror, it took me a while to wonder whether you were being serious or not! As James said, it's no Ratners!

This move will do them more good than harm IMO.

Morbyd - don't you think it's a screamingly good piece of pr? Not i fhtey were BA, but think how many new people know the name
spot on, the puplicity has been amazing as people down south genarally have not heard of the director is loving the free publicity, i doubt an apology is on its way somehow!
Kennedy Bakircioglu said:
Morbyd - don't you think it's a screamingly good piece of pr? Not i fhtey were BA, but think how many new people know the name
From the point of view of the British public, yes. I can see even from this thread how it would strike a chord (for all their talk of political correctness and openness, my experience shows that the UK public can often be, deep down, quite xenophobic, and this plays to that.)

However, as a PR guy, I would never result to using an ethnic slur to draw some publicity. It just leaves a bad taste behind and, as I noted above, won't be appreciated by Jet2's operating partners abroad.

He could have made the same point without using the word "frog" and probably had a similar impact.
Morbyd said:
From the point of view of the British public, yes. I can see even from this thread how it would strike a chord (for all their talk of political correctness and openness, my experience shows that the UK public can often be, deep down, quite xenophobic, and this plays to that.)

However, as a PR guy, I would never result to using an ethnic slur to draw some publicity. It just leaves a bad taste behind and, as I noted above, won't be appreciated by Jet2's operating partners abroad.

He could have made the same point without using the word "frog" and probably had a similar impact.

Ok, I entirely disagree with you.

"Frog" is hardly an ethnic slur, and I don't think they have many operating partners abroad that would mind too much as long as they ferried the passengers through.

It was the word "frog" that got him in the papers, so I don't know how you can the last bit.

As I said, I wouldn't suggest BA take such a stance, though for a small firm it's worked brilliantly. As a PR guy (I assumed you work in PR), you realise the different stages of marketing (action, desire, whatever etc) no?
I don't know... where I come from, 'frog' is in the same league with kraut, kike, mic, nigger, etc...

As for marketing and PR, separate disciplines... I barely understand marketing people speak :lol:

I think he would have still gotten in the papers for calling them "lazy"
the thing is, he was not intending to get into the papers etc.. he was just saying what he felt about the air strikes and put it on our website to let customers know that we disagree with it all. he cant believe the fuss but is chuffed of all the publicity it brought!