Boris as mayor. So FLT types - what are your thoughts ?


Active Member
As many of you are fancy London town types, and may or may not have voted in the recent mayoral elections............

What are your thoughts on the new boy ?

Breath of fresh air for the sprawling metropolis or a bumbling oaf with a dubious hair cut ?

Its half time in London's Punch and Judy act and we all just voted for the next puppett....
This City needed a change, had to get rid of that idiot Livingston!
Boris, onlt time will tell, however he is the best available!!
Nice to see all the Old Etonians back on top! Not. If he is ever allowed to escape from his new PR team and the influence of political strategist Lynton Crosby,then Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson will be back putting his foot in it....:)