Boring Monday - Jokes...


Active Member
Which footballer puts concerts on in Honalulu?

Hawaiian Giggs

Which footballer is desperate to save animals?

Dan Petrescu.

which footballer is best used to cross a river?


.........I thank you and goodnight.... :lol:
long hard boring Monday

What is brown and sticky??? a stick

What do you call a penguin in the dessert? Lost

What is pink and fluffy? Pink Fluff
I met a girl in a nightclub and told her 'I'm going to have sex with you in my bedroom, my bathroom, my kitchen and my lounge when we get back to mine'.

She replied, 'Wow, let's go, it's good to find a man with such stamina these days'.

For some reason she didn't seem too impressed when we finally got to the caravan.
I just got an e-mail saying I could learn how to read maps backwards, I thought to myself, that must be SPAM!