BoraBora Spiederman Reloaded :-)

Someone once told me that Spiderman and the Orange Juice Man of Ibiza are the same person? (love the bawbag shot by the way!)
What I find more amazing are the sofas at the front of BB, how long will they last?
Is he a lottery winner just spending his winnings?
Where does he get his money from?
I was at Kanya during the day about 10 years ago and he was properly raving to Ratpack. There was a little floating jetty thing and he waded out to it got on it and danced for a bit then jumped in and danced in the water. Someone told me he is a professor at a UK uni and just spends all summer off his nut in Ibiza.
The hole has been in the suit since at least 2004. He does speak Spanish and English (or at least understands them). He must work somewhere because he does not pan handle. I wonder what the real story is?
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He is called Paulo and he is from Portugal. He has an arty degree, not sure what in, and I think he did work at a uni in Portugal but is not a professor. Don't know if he does now, he seems to spend a lot of time doing personal appearances in the closed season.

When I stopped in PDB in 2008 he used to walk past our hotel on his way to Bora Bora every afternoon. When you spoke to him he was totally straight, 5 minutes later he was doing the whole wide eyed routine on the beach.
Some people dont rate Spidey well. I like him, he adds character to the place and without him Bora Bora would be a differnt place.

I have never seen him pay for a drink at Bora Bora.
He has a sponsorship deal with Bora Bora, I imagine the drinks are the fee.

How could people not like Spidey? He is part of the rich tapestry of the island (and watching his meat and two veg trying to escape his costume makes me laugh).
I agree Spiderman is a Bora Bora legend. It is just like when the place is going off and everyone yells and waves at the planes.