blue marlin, rumors @destino, cirloco @dc10


Hi guys. My wife and i will be partying in bossa from 9th july to 12th july. We both prefer our daytime/ evening parties and love our house music.
Im planning either rumors @ destino on the sunday or blue marlin. Can anyone reccomend either as we have never been.
Im also thinking of cirloco at dc10 on the monday. Ive heard it gets crazy busy so not to sure. If any one has any experience of any of the above can you please reply. Cheers Andrew
circoloco is cool, just go early (it opens at 4pm, I'd go for 7pm).

both blue marlin and destino are beautiful places and both are on the posh side of things.
Cheers for your reply. I think dc10 is a defo, just cant decide between marlin or destino. We are not into paying a fortune for drink. I dont mind buying a few but can be very pricey as you know.
I may try to take a few minitures in with me. Is marlin any good on tuesdays or wednesdays??
Can you recomend any other day time parties worth visiting? Ive done bora bora which is always a good laugh. Went to sa trinxa on a monday but was very quiet. Is sa trinxa more a weekend place??
Followup question on Blue Marlin Sunday .. Pete Tong goes on ~11p yes? .. my gf and I were thinking of going just as a cpl around 8, catching sunset and staying late. If we aren't dining can we simply get a high top table near the bar for drinks or is a bottle req'd for anything like that? And if we are not doing dining or bottles can/should we buy tix in advance?

first time - looking forward.. :)
Followup question on Blue Marlin Sunday .. Pete Tong goes on ~11p yes? .. my gf and I were thinking of going just as a cpl around 8, catching sunset and staying late. If we aren't dining can we simply get a high top table near the bar for drinks or is a bottle req'd for anything like that? And if we are not doing dining or bottles can/should we buy tix in advance?

first time - looking forward.. :)

no bottle required, tickets neither.
Coke is only 5€ at blue marlin, so u can afford it
Real cocktail 14€, 12€ beer 25cl bottle& if u are starving, eat at Yemenja (Sangria de cava, staff had reputation to be rude but not a big deal )
Between Blue Marlin & rumors on a sunday, Blue marlin by billion :cool:

ps:if there a place i'll bring miniature it won't be BMI, avoid to be busted there , as lot of staff spy on public just sayin...
I never bring miniature in clubs as i don't need booze in clubs, the last time i brought some into space ibz i didnt drink it :D so i ll avoid some stress, not carrying anything illegal :cool: