Blue Marlin Next Tuesday, Cala Jondal (afternoon)


New Member
Hi all,

I will be on holiday in Ibiza next week. If anyone would like to go and see Blue Marlin on Tuesday, we can organise something with a small group.

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Hi Irina,

Tuesday should be fine for me. On Monday I will travel from Palma de Mallorca to Ibiza. The rest of the week I am in Ibiza.

I was just thinking about which Blue Marlin to go to. There's one in the port of Eivissa and another one outside Eivissa. Do you have any preference ?

I will update my post so that others might join us on Tuesday if they like.

well ,,I tried to book single lounge in one of them not really sure in which ... but I got no certain answer so far. in case there is at least a couple of us , we can book bigger sun bed , etc , VIP or whatever . anyway reservation is required

I have evening flight back home , I would like to spend afternoon there

Hello again,

Did you want to book at Blue Marlin Cala Jondal or Blue Marlin Marina ?

Tuesday in the afternoon is fine for me. You can make a reservation if it's necessary.

I will check if I can find more people via Meetup or other groups. A friend of mine might come, he's not sure yet.

the Blue Marlin Marina is very small and in the middle of the marina and rarely busy. I 100% recommend doing the Cala Jondal one as its on its own beach and much more of a party. the one in the marina is just for eating only.