Blue Marlin Closing Party?


Active Member
Just spotted the line up to this (Right up my street) and having been to the island for many years, I have never actually been to the Blue Marlin! What is the deal with the closing party? Tickets? Or do i have to make a reservation for table? I touch down on the island at 18:30 that evening so will be heading out to this straight from my hotel. Any info is appreciated.. I already know this will be an expensive evening out :lol:
A table will be mega money.... think of the highest price you could ever imagine it being and times it by 5......then you might be close.
All I can say is that it will be hard at the time you plan to arrive as it gets really full . I am not sure if they actually sell tickets, I think it might be on a invite basis..... so if any of your group are on the Island before get them to try and pick up some.
Having said that, last year it was the best closing party for me. Louis Vega was something else.
Try to get there at all costs...
You should still be able to get a regular table (not a VIP one) for eary dinner say 7-9pm, which will get you in to the party.

Tempted with this one myself actually !
Got a table booking outside for 10pm no problem. No charge and no minimum spend. Guaranteed party entry.
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Sweet, many thanks for the tip, Much appreciated 8) I will get on the case now! Can't wait to board that plane and land in Ibiza!
Some of us don't want so much crush for back-to-back parties any more ! Some open air space by the sea to vacate to when it gets busy inside and being able to go back/forth to your car if you want to change etc has its up-sides. Actually I go to Yemanja next door in the daytime/sunset time but if you want to stay late for the party you have to move inside next door .. at least it's only a 20 metre stagger !

It's no better/worse than Pacha on the :( front to be fair and although there is poseyness it's not cheap and tacky like Ushuaia (which is just as pricey) ..

and DC-10 on Monday is the main event so will be getting to the closing party I booked my trip around as well - as long as I get to DC-10 closing, am not fussed about getting crammed into Amnesia or Space so Blue Marlin is a decent alternative for a more intimate pre-party ! ;)