Blue Marlin Casablanca ?!

You stand correct. Not bad for someone from DC!
There will be riots, if they build it in the big beach. The only beach reached by bus.
Casablanca population, is around 6 millions. On week ends, the "big" beach is overpacked, worst than coney island.
The smaller beach, where I, now believe, is the site for bm, was used as day camp for kids. Great memories.
Those are the 2 beaches, otherwise, it's all rocky shores.

Why didn't they go for marrakesh? There is la plage rouge already. And the "perfect" crowd, showering with champagne.
I was there last June :)

I stayed at a hotel in that little space between the 2 beaches (near the big intersection of Corniche and Atlantique?).

The big beach was, indeed, packed! I think the girl I was with was the only one in a bikini though :lol:

That part up to the north seemed pretty unused. There were some seaside bars and restaurants but the area definitely looked like it needed some renewal.