Black Monday ...


Active Member
I spend 95% of my time working from home in an office in the garden, great most of the time, but days like today are grim :(

First proper day back at work after a week in Ireland with the wifey and children, and boy it's quiet. Days like today are when I crave an office environment again, hearing all about who has argued with who, who has been fired, hired or retired.

A read of the jokes thread is required :D
How come you don't go in to the office?

I work for myself on all kinds of stuff so have no real 'workplace' other than my office. I shouldn't grumble but it seems sooo quiet this am.

Just read your review btw, helped in lifting the spirits:D
you'll be pleased to hear that's it's a public holiday here so i'm in the garden myself
Where abouts in ireland did you visit?Im lookin at the sea now just outside tramore co waterford,sun is tryin to peep out on this black monday..:)
Where abouts in ireland did you visit?Im lookin at the sea now just outside tramore co waterford,sun is tryin to peep out on this black monday..:)

We stayed in Letterfrack. Countryside / scenery was fantastic, weather was poor, rained every day except one. Would like to visit the area again but would definitely fly and hire a car, the overall journey time was a killer. Great friendly people everywhere. Was amazed at the number of French tourists, I imagine the local lads don't go short using the old oirish blarney ;)
A nice walk for the dog is in order I believe, To Es Cana then a slow wander back calling at a bar or two "Just to get the dog a drink" 8)
