Bittorrent downloads


New Member
anyone use these?

i use supernova for the downloads

some great live sets on there and loads of decent albums

pm me and i'll send you the small programme to use it
Bit Torrent is all i use now. If you got time to search the internet for torrents there are lods of good music to download. is a good message board bassed torrent site. have a good music section as well.
you can get programs that do not allow uploading, but that just defeats the purpose of bit torrents

they more you upload, more you can download, way the net shoudl be, you contribute, you can use.
what speeds are you guys runnin on tho? i can only get slow speeds on 612kbs BB :S :!:
You need to make sure the correct ports are forwarded, especially if you are running a firewall or behind a router. Same with most other filesharing programs.
get bit tornado

set the speed to isdn/dialup

you get max dl with slow upload.
the best client i have found and use is called Azureus, it gives you loads of information that other clients dont give.

I limit my upload to 10kbs and i usually get download speeds of between 20 and 40kbs.

As with all Bit torrent clients you speed depends on other users, if the other users only have a slow upload speed then you will only recieve a slow download speed, If it is a popular torrent then you shouldnt have a slow speed.

If you are behind a firewall then you will get slow speeds, if you and the other people you are trying to connect to are behind a firewall you will not connect at all. unless you forward the relevant ports.

best site i have found for music (mostly trance im affraid) is called TranceTraffic