Bit vague, tune id


New Member
vocals go:

all my love come to me

whaaaooooooo come to me
whaaaooooooo I need your love
whaaaooooooo come to me
I need your touch, need you in my life

touch me
hold me
love me, and I will show you love


X-Amount normaly helps me out ;)
Ok, let's have a look at this one...

is it new/old?

Femail/male vocals?

Funky house I presume (eg to be heard @ Kinky etc) ?

Any other info?!
well I've never heard it before, was on Passion last night, male vocals, was what I'd call daytime bar music, or maybe late evening bar music :? :lol: I'm not much help am I.

I'll keep listening to Passion see if they dont play it again :D

Thanks though Dan ;)