Big Change. Again

Giving up on life by the seaside? :)

Haha. Well well, I've not heard from you for awhile, my friend!
Lost that life due to my ex last year, moved back to Bristol to put shit back together. Evil people and all that.

Moving back to London (went to uni there) as I always had a good quality of life and the nightlife in Bristol is, well, shit.
Ah, hadn't realized you'd gone back to deal with all that.
Well then, a step up indeed. Got some work lined up?
Ah, hadn't realized you'd gone back to deal with all that.
Well then, a step up indeed. Got some work lined up?

Yeah. Leeds for three months (April - June) then learnt the truth about that situation with my ex, so moved back to Bristol.

I work from home at the moment but am looking for jobs elsewhere as well. Seems with working from home, this is my best change to move to London without any hassle?

You out to Ibiza this year?
The truth as in a certain someone was not what you thought?

It's a little up in the air. Possibly late Sept as usual but need to work out if I've got enough vacation time after overstaying my initially-planned 2 wks in Brazil. Also need to make sure there's no conflicts with work. But still hope to make it.
The truth as in a certain someone was not what you thought?

It's a little up in the air. Possibly late Sept as usual but need to work out if I've got enough vacation time after overstaying my initially-planned 2 wks in Brazil. Also need to make sure there's no conflicts with work. But still hope to make it.

Nail, head mate.
Would you be out before the 15th Sept?

We need another spotlight meetup in London at some point.
Surprised to hear you say Bristol is poor, I only ever usually hear good things about Bristol.

It's a city massively into it's Drum & Bass these days, and the group of friends I have aren't interested in doing that.
Yeah, we get guys like hot since 82 at motion, but no one is ever interested in going.
More friends in London, who are more diverse with their taste of music.