best way to catagorise........


New Member
calling all superstars. 8) :D 8) :D .....

i'm building up a substantial collection of vinyl 8)'s soon.... ;)

i am having a problem catagorising them..........

--do i do it in keys??--- :? -slowly keying choons...
--type of music??
--new vs old??


all advise welcome!!... ;) ;)

thanks all!!

the man has a point... u can spend hours try to catagorise yr tunes, but always end up in a muddle...

i just do it roughly. but half of them i never play. the ones i do, i know exactly where they are.
Mine are all over the place. I need to start sorting mine out and getting them into some sort of order. I wouldn't put them in key order though, that would be too difficult to maintain on an ongoing basis.

I'd just put them in some sort of 'style' order. :D
cool guys.....i get the picture.....

no-one catagorises. 8) ;) 8) ;)'s just.....i know what i want to play next & i know roughly where it is.. ;) ;)

but what happens when ur girl dj's to and she's so bad at putting things back!!!.. :twisted:

do i repremand her?? ;) ;) ;) .......

we have the same style of music thou..... :P
comin' at ya said:
I think if you know your records you dont need to categorise them with keys/bpms.

You should just know what goes with what.

also agree 8) 8) 8) .....we basically key our records sub-conciously when we cue them up....if it doesn't sound good...just pic another....

LoL i have certian piles of vinyls in one corner of my room sum old that need goingon ebay , sum pile of progressive , pile of tech trance and hudge pile of uplifting trance :)
I just go roughly by age. That way, when you think back to an old tune that u wanna play u can just go lookin at the back and vice versa with a new tune. There is no way u can order them in 'key' even if you were doing it for weeks :D It would be much help either because being in key doesnt mean they mix well together. Just do whatever works best for you, i'm sure 'age' will work best but we're all different.
dam0 said:
I just go roughly by age. That way, when you think back to an old tune that u wanna play u can just go lookin at the back and vice versa with a new tune. There is no way u can order them in 'key' even if you were doing it for weeks :D It would be much help either because being in key doesnt mean they mix well together. Just do whatever works best for you, i'm sure 'age' will work best but we're all different.

thanks damo..... :P