Best way of getting from San Antonio to Pacha or Space!


New Member
How's it going? Seven lads staying in San Antonio in August, what's the best way of getting to the clubs like Pacha or Space? I would of thought about just getting taxi's but one of my mate was saying about getting a bus across to the clubs, any ideas of prices as well.
if you're going to space the disco bus from the bus station goes at 11.30pm and 1am (and later than that but can't remember the next time) and its 3 euros per person.

for Pacha I think prob best option is a "normal" bus to Ibiza town but not sure of these...

am confident about the disco bus cos we went to Armin/Be at space this way last week and it was very straightforward and way cheaper than having to get a taxi both ways as there was only two of us. Taxi back was 28 Euros.
If you aren't to bothered about travelling in style then the Disco Bus runs regularly and, as said above, is very cheap. I am 99% certain that for a lot of nights you can buy your tickets from places like Mambos and get a free bus over. Last time I did that was in about 1999 but I am sure it still happens. If you want to go over earlier and have a drink in Ibiza Town (which I would recommend) the day-time bus service is regular, cheap (about 2 Euro) and takes very little time to get there from San An.
Whats this a cheap party bus of some kind ?!

Us girlies have gotta make it over to pdb atleast twice when in Ibiza and we were thinking taxi but by the reads of above theres a diff option ?!
Party bus is great. One can save a loads of money if one takes party bus instead of taxi from San An to anywhere.