Best place to stay ?


New Member
8) I am Flavia from Rio de Janeiro , I wanna visit Ibiza in my first time . Where the best place to Stay ?
Ibiza Center or San an ?
I am looking for cheap plcaes too ....

cya :?
Flavia said:
8) I am Flavia from Rio de Janeiro , I wanna visit Ibiza in my first time . Where the best place to Stay ?
Ibiza Center or San an ?
I am looking for cheap plcaes too ....

cya :?

Hi Flavia, welcome to the board :!: :D

The main resorts for clubbers are Playa D'en Bossa, Ibiza Town and San Antonio. If you are on a budget then you are probably best going to Bossa or San An. You will find plenty posts on this site telling you the good and bad of each resort. :roll:

Have a good one ;)
Playa d'En Bossa or Figuerettas, simply for the location.

Close to Ibiza town, Bora Bora (beach/bar), Space.

San An is cheaper but doesn't represent the real Ibiza IMO.

There are loads of other lovely places to stay on the island but depends how close you want to be to things.

- Good luck.
I want stay closed a good beach as Salinas , sunset parties and in the night go to a night club ..
Well be closed everything . If the bus works , there `s no problem stay a bit away .
Please I need help to make agood and cheap choice ... I just want to be in a safe place .

Hi Flavia

If you want good cheap accommodation your best bet would be to stay in San Antonio town or bay, or Playa d'en Bossa. These resorts are more catered towards the tourist, and if you are on a budget prics may be more reasonable. Clubs are close to hand in these resorts, San Antonio has Eden and Es Paradise, and Playa den Bossa has space. Buses are really regular to take you to the othe clubs which are futher out, such as Privlege, Amnesia etc, and public transport is really cheap.

San Antonio has the sunset strip, and other cool bars like bar M......the last time there was lots of pre-club parties held in these bars which cannot be missed! Staying in San Antonio Bay myself this year....good luck, I hope you make the right choice!
I've stayed in Playa den Bossa last year. Was in hotel (Fiesta Hotel Don Toni) but that wasnt really anything for clubbers. Only little familys with children and old people. So didnt find any friends there to party with. So you should ask before booking any hotel/appartement if there are many clubbers. This year I will be staying at Jet appartements. Nice appartements and mostly young people/clubbers. Jet is also in Playa den Bossa.
Flavia said:
I ve ben thinking about stay in San An . How many time it take to Ibiza town by bus ?


About 20 minutes.

If you stay in Figueretes which is between Ibiza Town and Playa Den Bossa you can walk into ibiza Town, plus are walking distance to Space and Bora Bora. I also think the beach here is better than San Antonio's.

San Antonio is the cheapest base though.