Best non dance tune


Active Member
Just heard a new radiohead song that blew me away and got inspired to ask - whats your favourite non dance tune?!

Mine is the above at the mo, videotape by radiohead.
OK, don't shoot me for this but....

Tom Petty - Freefalling
ELO - Fire on HIgh
Jimi Hendrix - Purple Haze
Cardigans - Favourite Game
Mine would either be The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter or Dinah Washington - Teach Me Tonight. Yes I know they're completely different! :D
Stones Roses - I am the Resurrection

beat me to it!:twisted:

i could name a hundred............but at the mo -

the nothing song by sigur ros
FEAR by ian brown
spanish harlem by aretha franklin

all for very personal reasons.:cry::)8)
Will Smith - Summertime :D

The Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony 8)

Anything by (don't laugh too hard!) Kid Kreole & The Coconuts :oops:
